Thursday 16 September 2010

Work in Progress...

It's been a while! I said I would write earlier on in the week but I have been quite busy... in a good way! On Monday the 6th I had an interview at an English school/club for children, I got all suited up and very nervous. I made the long journey down to the school, had a very quick chat with the people in charge there and walked away with an offer of a trial period! Later the same day I was asked to start work the following morning... I have been working every day since... even the weekends (sports day is coming up and practice is key!).

Everything has moved a long very quickly, this time 2 weeks ago I didn't think I would even get an interview! I don't want to be too confident however as I am still on a 'trial' period... but even with the hours I do work, I should make enough money for a flight back to the UK even if things do go pear shaped! Do me a favour and keep your fingers crossed? Thanks.

What is my job you are asking? Well at the moment I am mostly an assistant, mostly. The kids I work with are very small, agile and fast moving XD The youngest ones are around 2 and the oldest about 8. The purpose of the school is to immerse the kids in an English speaking environment, the majority of the teachers are at least partly foreign. It can be difficult at times as the children are cheeky monkeys but it's good fun and an excuse for me to act goofy (yes, even more so).

I hope everything works out and I can continue to work here.

My attention span is depleting... time to change the subject.

Went to the cinema the other day in a place called Roppongi to watch the new resident evil afterlife film or Biohazard (バイオハザードBaiohazādo) as it's known here. Watch the Japanese Trailer below:

The very first scenes in the film are actually shot in Shibuya (see previous posts). And apparently the premiere was in Roppongi only a couple of days prior. See Zombie Lunatics. The area is extremely nice but a bit on the pricey side... unfortunately for resident evil, it's budget was spent on a on flashy CGI and bullet spraying... unsurprising I guess. The current cinema trend seems to follow the following set of rules:

1) Make it 3D (unfortunately I keep falling for this one after watching avatar... some decent
scenes in RE mind)

2) Make it flashy (let's just concentrate on pixels. If we put enough explosions and bullets no
one will notice that we actually forgot to write a script (see point 3)

3) Dialogue is overrated (let's just write a couple of pages of conversation, we don't need to
develop characters. Let's just kill them off ASAP.



Granted, the previous resident evil films weren't exactly renowned for their unique and witty story lines (Protagonist = amnesia, Zombies = Hungry, Surroundings = Overrun, Ending = NUKE)but at least they were true to the genre and I actually cared enough to want the characters to survive. Milla did her usual action heroine routine (saving grace), Ali Larter looked nice (Score) and Wentworth carried on like a bad episode of prison break (-_-), the rest of the cast were completely forgettable. The zombies were actually completely side lined in afterlife, they seemed to be thrown in just for the sake of it (similar to the latest game, but that my friend is another story). In conclusion (to save from ranting... too late!) the action was entertaining, the CGI was impressive, the story was slow and drawn out. The concept of resident evil is wearing thin, the series is in need of a kick up the jacksy. Much like the the latest video game, it has forgotten it's roots, we need horror and tension not just another frag-fest. Only for the die-hard fans.

Sorry... that didn't have anything to do with life in Japan but it was fun to write (could have written more but I run the risk of some one dying). I left it so long to write that I have more news but that will have to wait for another day. Take care everyone.

-Rob out.

Friday 3 September 2010

Still ALIVE!

Sorry for the lack of postage, all is fine in Japan at present... just a little uncertain on the job front. Will write a proper post some time in the week with the latest. In the mean time please enjoy this video:

Check my latest Picasa album here
you might recognise a few places ;)

-Rob out.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

In Japan 0_0

Myself and Yuhey (sp?).
After wanting to visit Japan for so long, I've finally made it and hot-damn it was a long flight! By my calculations (which aren't usually very reliable) the entire journey took around 24 hours, that is including waits in the airport and the reasonably long train journey upon arrival in Tokyo... I felt like one big woolen gray sweaty sock and probably looked like one as well.

I consider myself fairly used to hot climates after spending 3 years in Delhi but a stunt in Bangor has probably softened me up a bit. The Temperature seems to be ranging anywhere from around 33 to 37 degrees and is very humid (see sweaty sock). I can deal with it in the day but I often wake up in the early hours feeling like a slice of peppered ham smothered in cling film and left too close to the double glazed conservatory window.

For those wondering, yes I do sleep on the floor but this is only temporary and so far I have not had to sit on the floor to eat. For the most part I use chopsticks or hashi, I very often get offered a fork or spoon but I am stubborn and insist I must practice (I have been told however that I am quite good at using chopsticks :D).

Dai & his bro.
Dai's family have been more than welcoming and have made me feel very at home. They are so kind and generous that I often feel like I am too much trouble... We have already been to a few different places to eat out and only yesterday did we return from an overnight stay in a place called Karuizawa. A resort type place with loads of outlet stores, restaurants and leisure activities to take part in. Apart from shopping, we played pool, ping-pong and crazy golf. I picked up a pair of jeans and a pair of shoes both for very reasonable prices. I could go in to more detail but I can't really be bothered, look how much I have written already, it's like an essay... none the less, I had a great time!

Yet to venture in to the heart of Tokyo but hopefully will soon! Going to sign up for a months membership at the local gym this afternoon and get to pumping some iron! That's all I can muster for now, if you would like to know more just leave a comment. Stay safe.

For more photos : Check it.
-Rob out.